My podcast on "Residual Income and Why You Must Have It" will
automatically begin to play while you read through this page.
Enough about me for now and lets focus on YOU... Here we go... Live the life you should
be living. Stop working for someone else so they
You have probably heard the expression that “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.” It’s often used to explain the unfairness when it comes to money. However, I don’t think this is unfair at all. The reason it happens is because the rich focus on a completely different way of earning money. There are thousands of stories about poor people who accumulated great riches and this choice is available to all of us. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Oprah were not born into riches. Yet over their lifetimes, they’ve amassed massive personal fortunes and wealth. This is because they understand and use the power of leverage through residual income.
This chart below is awesome. Imagine how hard it would be to save $24,000.00 to then invest it in a term deposit at a bank and then hoping it earns at least 5% interest!! If you build a residual income business and start receiving $100.00 a month that $100.00 is equal to $24,000.00 in a bank account earning interest. Now look further down the chart. $1,000.00 a month is equal to having $240,000.00 in the bank. Imagine earning $1,000.00 a week from residual income.
Earning a high active income is often a lot of hard work and requires a dedication beyond most of us. It’s also limited because no matter how much money you get paid you still need to show up to work to earn your money. Basically, you have to work your entire life to keep bringing in an income. A sad way to live but unfortunately that's how society is and how the mindset of most people are.
There is a saying that
goes like... "Those that know what residual income is all about will
walk through brick walls to get it!!"
Would you be interested??? Would you take a few minutes to watch a short video or have a chat with me? Would you take
15mins out of your life to simply listen to something
Think about that for a minute.
Imagine finding something that earns you an income. Something that is earning you income 24/7. A residual income which allows you to pay your bills, buy a new car, take the family on holidays, maybe purchase a holiday house or investment property!! A residual income that is working for you while you enjoy your day shopping, at the movies or beach with your family, even while you are sleeping!!
How does all of this sound so far? This is what I am offering. I am offering 10 PEOPLE that I can work with the most valuable thing I have... MY TIME. Now my time is the most important and valuable thing I have. My time is so valuable not only to myself but also for my loving family. And... I am offering it to you. I am offering you MY TIME to show you there is a way to a better way. There is a better solution to your income. There is a better choice. There is a better way to live your life. There is a way to relieve the financial stresses and a way to financial freedom. Now is the time to ACT.
There is simply... A BETTER WAY. Now is your time and
now is the best time to start making the change. There is a
After reading all of this post and you have read down to here NOW IS YOUR TIME TO ACT. It will not just happen. YOU have to make the first step. You have to do the work. You have to take that first step. You have to be prepared to JUMP and make that life changing choice for change. And that's where I am here to help you by offering you MY TIME.
So you have read down to here which means you realize how important this is and how this could be life changing for you and your family. Sacrifice today so you don't have to sacrifice your tomorrows. Put in the effort right now so you can live the life you have always wanted to live. Now is the time you need to make that first step and contact me. Contact me right now. That's all you need to do. I would love to show you the way to a better way of life. I am guessing you can tell how excited I am!! Well, there are a few reasons for that. I've seen how life changing this can be for people. Average people like you and me who are making massive changes to their life. Plus I am also excited because I can't wait to have a chat with you and start helping you with your new life. I love showing people that there is a way to escape their normal 9-5 J-O-B.
We are often given chances in life and then have the need to make a decision. Some decisions can be totally life changing. It's up to you which path you take. Yes or No. It's up to you. I said NO for many many years until one day I simply took the other path and said... YES. Yes to change. Yes to financial freedom. Yes to better health. Yes to living my life how I want to live it. YES to being positive, happy and YES to friends and family. You can do this. May the rest of your life be the best of your life.
If this is you and you have had enough and want to break free then read on. As I have said this may not be for you, but if you are determined and have a want for change then this could be what you have been searching for. You will need to work for it and be determined to ACHIEVE and change your MINDSET towards working. Most people get set in the 9-5 J-O-B mentality. This will need to change. You will have good times, bad times, ups and downs. That's life. But, when you build your business you will be able to do incredible things... Work from home, work from the beach, spend more time with family and friends, go on more holidays, give money to charities, make life changing decisions. When you build the business your future in then your choice and how you live it. Stop working for others and do it for yourself right now.
Whatever you do DO NOT LET THIS PASS YOU BY. The future is now in your hands and up to you. If I can do this then you can also do this.
Passion - Drive -
Motivation - Willing to Learn - Coachable
I am very excited for you and the journey you are about to take.
All the best for
your future. Paul.
We are often given chances in life and then have the need to make a decision. Some decisions can be totally life changing. It's up to you which path you take. Yes or No. It's up to you. I said NO for many many years until one day I simply took the other path and said... YES. You can do this. Make the change and say YES right now. YES. Lets do this. I can show you how and give you the tools to help you on your journey. Request More Information - NOW. READ MORE ABOUT OUR JOURNEY
Paul Kenny - Wealth Creation / Residual Income Copyright 2017 |